Online Selling India

Online Selling In India – The Best Time Is Now

online selling in India

The business of online selling in India is growing very fast. India is on its way to  becoming one of the world’s largest e-commerce markets. This growth also has the potential to generate huge employment opportunities.

Ecommerce  is increasingly becoming popular among Indians. Thousands of entrepreneurs  have already decided to establish themselves in this industry.

“Online Shopping Trend Report 2014”  prepared by Google in collaboration with Forrester research has predicted that online shoppers base in India will be 100 million by 2016.

Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) along with Price water house Coopers(PwC) has stated that Indian ecommerce industry is likely to cross 100 billion dollar mark by 2019.

The Indian market is nowhere near maturity. There is heavy funding by  national and international investors. India has also emerged as a huge opportunity for international e-commerce companies. Seeing the future of online selling in India, many leading global players are expected to expand their business in the Indian market.

This is evident as Jack Ma of Alibaba has pledged to invest in India. Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon also announced that he will invest 2 billion dollars.

As more and more companies are coming online, this is the perfect time for Indian start-ups, micro and small businesses to be a part of this rapidly growing industry. This is going to be huge. Watch the video at the end of this article.

Online selling is a good alternative for those who are unable to open offline stores. If you already have a traditional retail outlet, it is a good strategy to create online presence also, as you get the additional channel  to sell to the  local, national, and international customers.

The following recent developments clearly indicate the growth potential of India’s ecommerce market.

The main reasons for the growth of  online selling India are:

It is high time to start this business because it has many advantages. Some of these are:

As  Steve Jobs said,

The smallest company in the world can look as the larger company on the web.


Keeping in view the scope and growth of ecommerce in India, this is the perfect time for aspiring entrepreneurs to make foray into this industry. Realize the opportunity  and take advantage of the growing trend.

Updated on March 5, 2015

Economic survey, an Indian government document says that the ecommerce sector in the country is likely to witness a growth of more than 50% over the next 5 years.  Read this.

Image via pixabay


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